• Kamuli A, Kireka-Namugongo Road
  • +256-777-384513
  • contact@unablind.org

Our Story...

Uganda National Association of the Blind is an indigenous non-government organisation (NGO) registered with the Uganda NGO board and registrar of companies No.S.5914/559 and 45785 respectively.  

The organisation (UNAB) was founded in 1970 as a unified voice for persons with visual disability who for a long time had faced the challenges of discrimination, marginalisation and stigmatisation by the predominantly sighted society.

Following the political and economic trends in the country from 1970 to date UNAB similarly underwent the winds of change to suit the blind and partially sighted persons.

Causes and positive change to every one.

Our Vision

To have a self-sustaining Association of empowered persons with visual impairment, enjoying equal opportunities in society.

Our Mission

To better the quality of life of the visually impaired persons in Uganda regardless of sex and age through advocacy, networking, capacity building and model service provision.

Our Values

At our core, we champion inclusivity, empowerment, and accessibility. We believe in fostering a community where every individual, regardless of visual impairment, can thrive.

Our Objectives

  • To ensure the provision of quality services to all blind persons of Uganda.
  • To advocate for equalisation of opportunities of blind persons of Uganda.
  • To provide capacity for the empowerment of all blind persons of Uganda.
  • To serve as a leading expert knowledge provider on issues pertaining to blindness.
  • To network and collaborate with indigenous and international partners on development issues related to blind people.

Our Membership

  • Full membership of UNAB is the district association of the blind who pay both membership and annual subscription fee as determined by the General Assembly from time to time.
  • Associate membership are organisations/or individuals interested in the welfare of the blind and partially sighted persons who also pay both annual and subscription fees as determined by the general assembly from time to time.
  • UNAB membership by constitution recognises both gender and youth representation at all levels of leadership.
  • UNAB is also a member of National Union of disabled persons of Uganda (NUDIPU), UNAB’s women’s committee is a member to National Union of Women with Disabilities in Uganda (NUWODU) and National Association of Women in Uganda (NAWOU). Internationally it is a member to African Union of the Blind and World Blind Union.

Our Organisational Structure

  • General Assembly: It is the supreme policy making body. Convening once every after four years comprising three delegates from district associations of the blind i.e. one male, one female and youth.
  • Board of Directors: comprises of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, General and Vice Secretaries, Treasurer, Women’s representative, youth representative then regional representatives elected on a gender balance basis. The board, which serves a four years term of office, is elected by the General assembly.
  • Standing committees: In order for the board to carry out the specific role effectively, it divides into standing committees i.e. Management, Finance, Personnel, Women, Youth and Education committees.
  • Secretariat: Appointed by the board of directors as an implementing body
  • of policies and decisions. The Executive Director heads it.